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Democracy Index by Country! Ranking 2020! New

Here is a table on the democracy in force country by country which can help you in the choice of the establishment of your company, branch or subsidiary in the world. This democracy index, out of 10, makes it possible to distinguish 4 groups of countries: full democracies, which have an index greater than 8; ...
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List of Countries and Company Taxes and dividends 2020!

Vous trouverez ci-dessous les taux de taxes sur les societes en 2020 ( Source Wikipédia ) . Cet article peut vous aidez a faire le choix de l’implantation de votre societe , succursale ou filiale. PaysTaux d’impôt sur les sociétés (2020)2Taux d’imposition des dividendes (2020)2Taux d’imposition combiné (2020)2 Irlande12.5%51.0%57.1% Corée du Sud27.5%40.3%56.7% Canada26.8%39.3%55.6% France32.0%34.0%55.1% Danemark22.0%42.0%54.8% Belgique29.6%30.0%50.7% Portugal31.5%28.0%50.7% Royaume-Uni19.0%38.1%49.9% Israël23.0%33.0%48.4% Allemagne29.9%26.4%48.4% États-Unis25.9%29.3%47.6% Australie30.0%24.3%47.0% Norvège22.0%31.7%46.7% Autriche25.0%27.5%45.6% Suède21.4%30.0%45.0% Japon29.7%20.3%44.0% Italie24.0%26.0%43.8% Pays-Bas25.0%25.0%43.8% Finlande20.0%28.9%43.1% Espagne25.0%23.0%42.3% Mexique30.0%17.1%42.0% Luxembourg24.9%21.0%40.7% Slovénie19.0%25.0%39.3% Grèce28.0%15.0%38.8% Suisse21.1%21.1%37.8% Islande20.0%22.0%37.6% Chili25.0%13.3%35.0% Turquie22.0%17.5%35.0% Pologne19.0%19.0%34.4% Nouvelle-Zélande28.0%6.9%33.0% République tchèque19.0%15.0%31.2% Lituanie15.0%15.0%27.8% Slovaquie21.0%7.0%26.5% Hongrie9.0%15.0%22.7% Estonie20.0%0.0%20.0% Lettonie20.0%0.0%20.0% Vous souhaitez recevoir une...
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