The United States, Britain, France, Germany and other countries present at the G7 on Saturday reached a landmark agreement to withdraw more money from multinational companies such as GAFAM and reduce their incentive to transfer their profits to low-tax offshore havens.


Current global tax rules date back to the 1920s and fight against multinational tech giants who sell services remotely and allocate a large portion of their profits to intellectual property held in low-tax jurisdictions.

Minimum tax of 15%

A fairer location of the Country where the company pays its taxes

Key details remain to be negotiated over the coming months. Saturday's deal says only "the largest and most profitable multinational companies" would be affected.

The G7 includes the United States, Japan, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy and Canada. Be careful, however, this strong announcement is based for the moment only on countries present at this meeting and the World does not include only 7 countries. According to our experts, this agreement could only be effective in the event of a global agreement. For the moment this remains only an announcement effect.

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