Legislation on the sale of CBD in Estonia! Estonian legislation on the sale of CBD

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Legislation on the sale of CBD in Estonia! Estonian legislation on the sale of CBD


CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effects and is therefore considered safe and legal in many countries. In Estonia, the sale of CBD is legal, but it is subject to certain regulations. In this article, we'll look at the legislation on the sale of CBD in Estonia and the implications for consumers and businesses.

The legislation on the sale of CBD in Estonia

In Estonia, the sale of CBD is legal, but it is subject to certain regulations. According to Estonian law, CBD is considered a herbal product and is therefore subject to the same rules as other herbal products. This means that companies selling CBD must meet the quality and safety standards set by the Estonian authorities.

Companies that sell CBD must also ensure that their products contain no more than 0,2% THC. If a product contains more than 0,2% THC, it is considered illegal in Estonia and may result in legal action.

Additionally, companies that sell CBD should ensure that their products are labeled clearly and accurately. Labels should state the amount of CBD in the product, along with a full list of ingredients. Companies must also provide information on how the product should be used and stored.

Implications for consumers

For consumers, the legislation on the sale of CBD in Estonia means that they can buy CBD safely, provided they choose quality products from reliable suppliers. Consumers should also ensure that the products they buy contain less than 0,2% THC.

Consumers should also be aware of the different forms in which CBD is available. CBD can be purchased in the form of oil, capsules, creams, and edibles. Each shape has its own advantages and disadvantages, and consumers should choose the shape that best suits their needs.

Finally, consumers should be aware of the potential side effects of CBD. Although CBD is considered safe, it can cause side effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth, and diarrhea. Consumers should therefore be aware of these potential side effects before taking CBD.

The implications for business

For companies selling CBD in Estonia, the legislation means that they must meet the quality and safety standards set by the Estonian authorities. Companies must also ensure that their products contain less than 0,2% THC and are labeled clearly and accurately.

Businesses should also be aware of the competition in the CBD market in Estonia. The market is growing rapidly, and more and more companies are getting into selling CBD products. Companies must therefore be able to stand out by offering superior quality products and excellent customer service.

Finally, businesses should be aware of advertising regulations. In Estonia, advertising for CBD products is subject to strict restrictions. Companies must ensure that their advertisements comply with the rules set by the Estonian authorities.


In conclusion, the legislation on the sale of CBD in Estonia is clear and well defined. Companies that sell CBD must meet quality and safety standards set by Estonian authorities, and consumers can buy CBD safely, provided they choose quality products from reliable suppliers.

The CBD market in Estonia is growing rapidly, and companies need to be able to stand out by offering top quality products and excellent customer service. Ultimately, legislation on the sale of CBD in Estonia is beneficial for consumers and businesses, as it ensures the safety and quality of CBD products.

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