Liquidation Company in Austria? Procedures Closings Companies Austria

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Liquidation Company in Austria? Procedures Closings Companies Austria


The liquidation of a company is a difficult step for any entrepreneur. However, there may be times when closing the business is the only viable option. In this article, we are going to look at the steps to follow for the liquidation of a company in Austria.

What is the liquidation of a company?

Liquidation of a company is the process of closing a business. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as financial difficulties, corporate restructuring, or a personal decision by the entrepreneur.

Liquidation can be voluntary or forced. In the case of voluntary liquidation, the entrepreneur makes the decision to close the business. In the case of a forced liquidation, the decision is taken by a court or a governmental authority.

The stages of the liquidation of a company in Austria

The liquidation of a company in Austria involves several steps. Here are the main steps to follow:

1. The liquidation decision

The first step in the liquidation of a company in Austria is the decision to close the business. This decision can be made by the entrepreneur or by the company's shareholders.

2. The appointment of a liquidator

Once the liquidation decision has been taken, it is necessary to appoint a liquidator. The liquidator is responsible for managing the liquidation of the company. He must be a person independent of the company and must be appointed by the shareholders or the court.

3. Publication of the liquidation notice

Once the liquidator has been appointed, he must publish a notice of liquidation in the Austrian official journal. This notice must contain information about the company, the liquidator and the terms of the liquidation.

4. Carrying out the inventory

The liquidator must carry out an inventory of all the assets and liabilities of the company. This inventory must be submitted to the Austrian tax authorities.

5. Sale of assets

The liquidator must sell all the assets of the business. Proceeds from the sale are used to repay the company's creditors.

6. Payment of creditors

Once the assets are sold, the liquidator must use the proceeds to repay the company's creditors. Creditors are repaid in the order of priority defined by Austrian law.

7. Closing of liquidation

Once all creditors have been repaid, the liquidator must submit a final report to the Austrian tax authorities. If the report is accepted, the business is considered liquidated and is removed from the business register.

The consequences of the liquidation of a company in Austria

The liquidation of a company in Austria can have important consequences for entrepreneurs. Here are some of the most common consequences:

1. Loss of business

The liquidation of a business means the loss of the business for the entrepreneur. This can be hard to accept for entrepreneurs who have invested a lot of time and money in their business.

2. Job loss

The liquidation of a company can also lead to the loss of employment for the employees of the company. This can be difficult for employees who have worked for the company for many years.

3. Debts

If the business has debts, the liquidation may result in the loss of personal property of the entrepreneur. Creditors can seize the contractor's personal assets to recover debts.


The liquidation of a company in Austria is a complex process which can have important consequences for entrepreneurs. However, if closing the business is the only viable option, it is important to follow the liquidation steps appropriately. By following the steps outlined in this article, entrepreneurs can ensure that the liquidation of their business proceeds efficiently and legally.

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