Getting Road Transport License in Slovakia? Road Transport License Conditions Slovakia

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Getting Road Transport License in Slovakia? Road Transport License Conditions Slovakia


Road transport is a key sector of the Slovak economy, with thousands of trucks on the country's roads every day. To carry out this activity, it is necessary to obtain a road transport license in Slovakia. In this article, we are going to look at the requirements for obtaining this license, as well as the advantages and challenges of the road transport industry in Slovakia.

Conditions for obtaining a road transport license in Slovakia

To obtain a road transport license in Slovakia, it is necessary to fulfill several conditions. First of all, you must be at least 21 years old and have a category C or CE driving licence. Then, you must have an address in Slovakia and be able to prove sufficient financial capacity to carry out this activity.

The financial capacity is determined by the number of vehicles that one wishes to operate. For a single vehicle, you must have a minimum share capital of 9 euros. For each additional vehicle, 000 euros must be added. For example, to operate two vehicles, you must have a minimum share capital of 5 euros.

In addition to these conditions, it is also necessary to pass a professional examination to obtain the road transport license. This exam covers technical and regulatory knowledge related to road transport, as well as business management skills.

Advantages of the road transport industry in Slovakia

The road transport industry in Slovakia has several advantages for companies and workers in the sector. First of all, Slovakia is located in the heart of Europe, which makes it a strategic crossing point for trade between the East and West of the continent.

In addition, Slovakia has a modern and well-maintained road network, which allows for quick and efficient travel. Transport companies can thus deliver their goods on time, which is essential to maintain customer satisfaction.

Finally, the cost of labor in Slovakia is relatively low compared to other European countries, which allows transport companies to offer competitive rates while maintaining a sufficient profit margin.

Challenges of the road transport industry in Slovakia

Despite these advantages, the road transport industry in Slovakia faces several challenges. First of all, the competition is fierce, with many transport companies operating in the Slovak market. Companies must therefore be able to offer quality services at competitive prices in order to remain competitive.

In addition, the road transport sector is subject to strict safety and environmental regulations. Companies must comply with strict standards in terms of road safety, driving and rest times for drivers, as well as the management of waste and polluting emissions.

Finally, the road transport sector faces a shortage of qualified drivers in Slovakia. Companies must therefore invest in training and developing the skills of their employees to maintain a high level of service quality.

Success stories in the road transport industry in Slovakia

Despite these challenges, many trucking companies have managed to thrive in Slovakia. One of these companies is the Slovak company Doprastav, which was founded in 1951 and is today one of the largest road hauliers in the country.

Doprastav offers a wide range of road transport services, including the transport of general cargo, the transport of petroleum and chemical products, as well as the transport of dangerous goods. The company has a modern fleet of over 500 vehicles and employs over 800 people.

Another successful road transport company in Slovakia is Tatra Trucks, which was founded in 1850 and is today one of the leading truck manufacturers in Central Europe. Tatra Trucks offers a full range of trucks for road transport, as well as maintenance and repair services.


Road transport is a key sector of the Slovak economy, providing significant benefits for companies and workers in the sector. However, it also faces significant challenges, including fierce competition, strict regulation and a shortage of qualified drivers.

To obtain a road transport license in Slovakia, it is necessary to meet several conditions, including age, driver's license, address and financial capacity. Companies must also invest in the training and skills development of their employees to maintain a high level of service quality.

Despite these challenges, many road transport companies have managed to thrive in Slovakia, offering quality services at competitive prices. These companies are an example of success in a key sector of the Slovak economy.

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