What are the social charges for companies in Gibraltar? All Know Gibraltar Social Security Charges

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What are the social charges for companies in Gibraltar? All Know Gibraltar Social Security Charges


Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory located at the southern end of the Iberian Peninsula. It is known for its booming economy and favorable tax regime for businesses. However, companies that operate in Gibraltar must also comply with government imposed payroll taxes. In this article, we are going to look at corporate payroll taxes in Gibraltar and how they affect businesses.

Social charges in Gibraltar

Payroll taxes are financial contributions that employers must pay to finance the social benefits of their employees. In Gibraltar, social charges are governed by the Social Security Act 1970. This Act imposes social charges on the wages of employees and business profits.

Social charges on employee salaries

Employers in Gibraltar must pay social charges on the wages of their employees. Social charges are calculated as a percentage of the employee's gross salary and are paid to Gibraltar Social Security. Payroll tax rates vary depending on the employee's salary. Here are the payroll tax rates for 2021:

  • From 0 to £11: 700%
  • From £11 to £701: 19%
  • Above £19: 500%

It is important to note that employers must also make an additional 1% contribution to fund retirement benefits.

Social charges on company profits

Companies in Gibraltar must also pay social charges on their profits. Payroll taxes are calculated as a percentage of company profits and are paid to Gibraltar Social Security. The rates of social charges vary according to the type of business and its annual turnover. Here are the social charges rates for companies in 2021:

  • Companies with an annual turnover of less than £300: 000%
  • Companies with an annual turnover between £300 and £000: 500%
  • Companies with annual turnover over £500: 000%

It is important to note that companies must also make an additional contribution of 1% to fund retirement benefits.

Benefits of social charges in Gibraltar

Although payroll taxes in Gibraltar may seem high, they also provide benefits for businesses. Here are some of the benefits of payroll taxes in Gibraltar:

Access to social benefits

Social charges paid by employers in Gibraltar fund social benefits for employees. This includes retirement benefits, sickness benefits and unemployment benefits. Employees working in Gibraltar therefore have access to these social benefits, which can be an advantage for companies looking to attract and retain qualified employees.

Financial stability

Social charges in Gibraltar help fund social benefits for employees, which can help stabilize the financial situation of employees. It can also help reduce employee turnover, as employees are more likely to stay with a company that offers stable benefits.

Positive brand image

Businesses that comply with social charges in Gibraltar can benefit from a positive brand image. Companies that offer stable social benefits and respect social laws are often seen as responsible employers who care about the well-being of their employees.

The challenges of social charges in Gibraltar

Although social charges in Gibraltar provide benefits for businesses, they can also present challenges. Here are some of the challenges of payroll taxes in Gibraltar:

High cost

Social charges in Gibraltar can be costly for businesses, especially for companies that employ a large number of employees or make high profits. Companies must therefore be ready to bear these costs in order to comply with social laws.

Administrative complexity

The Gibraltar payroll tax system can be complex and difficult to understand for businesses unfamiliar with payroll laws. Companies must therefore be prepared to invest time and resources in understanding and complying with social laws.

International competition

Businesses in Gibraltar also face international competition. Companies that operate in countries with lower social charges may have a competitive advantage over companies in Gibraltar. Businesses in Gibraltar should therefore be prepared to offer additional benefits to attract and retain qualified employees.


Social charges in Gibraltar are an important aspect of business regulation. Although they can be expensive and complex, they also provide business benefits, including access to social benefits, financial stability and a positive brand image. Businesses in Gibraltar must therefore be prepared to comply with social laws to maintain their reputation and competitiveness in the global market.

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