What are the social charges for companies in Romania? All Know Social Charges Romania

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What are the social charges for companies in Romania? All Know Social Charges Romania


Romania is an Eastern European country that has experienced rapid economic growth in recent years. However, companies wishing to set up in Romania must take into account the social charges they will have to pay. In this article, we are going to look at corporate social charges in Romania and how they affect businesses.

Social charges in Romania

Social charges in Romania are mandatory contributions that employers must pay to finance social benefits for their employees. These social charges include social security contributions, health insurance contributions, unemployment insurance contributions and pension contributions.

Social security contributions

Social security contributions in Romania are calculated on the basis of the employee's gross salary. Employers must pay a social security contribution of 25% on the employee's gross salary, while employees must pay a social security contribution of 10,5% on their gross salary.

Health insurance contributions

Health insurance contributions in Romania are also calculated on the basis of the employee's gross salary. Employers must pay a health insurance contribution of 10% on the employee's gross salary, while employees must pay a health insurance contribution of 5,5% on their gross salary.

Unemployment insurance contributions

Unemployment insurance contributions in Romania are calculated on the basis of the employee's gross salary. Employers must pay an unemployment insurance contribution of 0,5% on the employee's gross salary, while employees are not required to pay any unemployment insurance contribution.

pension contributions

Pension contributions in Romania are also calculated on the basis of the employee's gross salary. Employers must pay a pension contribution of 15,8% on the employee's gross salary, while employees must pay a pension contribution of 25% on their gross salary.

The benefits of social charges in Romania

Although social charges in Romania may seem high, they also provide benefits for employers and employees.

Benefits for employers

Social charges in Romania provide employers with some security in terms of social benefits for their employees. Employers can rest assured that their employees will benefit from comprehensive social security coverage, which can help attract and retain top talent.

Benefits for employees

Social charges in Romania also provide benefits to employees. Employees benefit from full social security coverage, including health insurance and unemployment insurance. In addition, pension contributions help employees save for their future.

The challenges of social charges in Romania

Although social charges in Romania offer advantages, they can also present challenges for businesses.

The high costs

Social charges in Romania can be costly for businesses, especially for small businesses that have lower profit margins. Businesses need to consider these costs when budgeting and financial planning.

The complexity

The social charges system in Romania can be complex and difficult to understand for foreign companies wishing to establish themselves in the country. Companies should ensure that they understand the requirements and obligations regarding social charges before setting up in Romania.


In conclusion, social charges in Romania are mandatory contributions that employers must pay to finance social benefits for their employees. Although these charges may seem high, they also provide benefits to employers and employees. However, payroll taxes can also present challenges for businesses, particularly in terms of high costs and complexity. Businesses should take these factors into account when making their budget and financial planning for setting up in Romania.

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